Category Archives: Diastaisis Recti

Abdominal seperation



It’s been far too long since I wrote. It’s because it’s been far too long since I practiced! Then a conversation with my best friend about yoga and a subsequent IT outage at work led me back to my mat again on Wednesday afternoon. It wasn’t my usual time or location (our spare bedroom…I prefer the gym or at least the living room) but that was my opportunity, so I took it. I took up a little spot in front of my mirror, set up some music on my phone and simply went where my practice took me. I hadn’t planned anything as I wasn’t intending to do any yoga that day (read: this week) so I did whatever popped into my head.

I did have a time limit but I tried not to focus on that as I find if I do, it makes me rush, it makes the session feel stilted, uncomfortable and then I feel frustrated that it didn’t feel good. I must have only done 15 poses but I took my time with them and tried to focus on my technique. Although I did create heat, that wasn’t my primary goal, I favoured strength this time. I’m still having to work hard at looking after my tummy and my knees so getting the right muscles to fire to a) look after them and b) make them stronger was really important to me.

I’m exceptionally lucky too, I have lots of snowboarding coming up this winter so making sure I am as strong as I can be for that is a real concern. I’ll give you an example:

Here, my transverse abdominals are fully engaged in boat pose.

Here, my transverse abdominals are fully engaged in boat pose.

Here, my transvers abdominals are not engaged and you can clearly see doming. If I don't take care, because the gap is a weak area, it could cause a hernia. Worst case scenario, but I really don't fancy that.

Here, my transvers abdominals are not engaged and you can clearly see doming. If I don’t take care, because the gap is a weak area, it could cause a hernia. Worst case scenario, but I really don’t fancy that.

My body isn’t the same as before I was pregnant.  I love it just the same, more even because of the gift it gave me with little girl, but it can’t quite handle things in the same ways as before.  I have to take extra care of it, but I’m OK with that, I apply that approach to the rest of my life too.  Or at least I try to.

What next?

This cheeky, unexpected session reminded me again how much I love yoga; from feeling the warm sun on me through the window to that lovely ‘post exercise ache’ that I felt the following day.  Another chat with my best friend (thanks lady) and I came up with a little idea, a way to motivate myself and possibly other to make yoga part of daily life.   I’m an eternal optimist, I love positivity.  It genuinely makes my life happier, and I hope it brings the odd ray of happiness to others.  I’ve been in sad places, and I don’t suggest that looking on the bright side during those times would have made them better, but now those times are over, being positive casts off those shadows, it helps remove fear and worry about things that have passed or that I can’t change.  I like being positive because it makes me a happy person, friend, wife and most importantly, a happy mummy.

Stop-tober has passed and No-vember doesn’t really fit my mind-set; instead I will be having Yes-vember.  Yes-vember is a month of daily practice.  It doesn’t matter if it’s for 10 mins or 90 minutes, but it will be at least 1 sun salutation long!  I decided that a little accountability would be motivating so have asked my friends to join me, if you would like to join me too please like my page on Facebook New Page Living found here

It’s free and just for fun, but on New Page Living I will post a range of videos, written plans, top tips, progress updates and lovely quotes that help keep me on track throughout the month.  It’s completely flexible too, everything is for you to do with as you wish.  Say…

Yes to 30 days
Yes to good health
Yes to a calm mind
Yes to yoga
Yes to happiness

Nameste x

Posture makes perfect


So in addition to my weekly yoga session, I’m trying to help build my core strength back up and a simple way to do this is through good posture.

My big, pregnant belly pulled my tummy muscles out and my spine forwards. Now that baby is here, I still collapse my waist, pushing my tummy forwards, particularly when I’m carrying little girl. It wasn’t until I started reading about abdominal separation that I realised that my posture may be all wonky.

Long story short, I went and had a good look in the mirror and saw that my lower back was quite arched, my tummy stuck out in a little paunch and there was almost a fold in my skin/muscles on my side. I stood up tall, engaged my deep ab muscles, particularly low down between my hips and consciously unarched my back as I did so. I pulled my belly button towards my spine but didn’t use my front abs to pull everything. I can still breathe easily whilst doing this. It took a little time to figure out how to straighten myself out, but when I did, I was surprised at what a difference it made. Here are some before and after photos to show the difference in my profile from the side and front. Please excuse the black and white but I’m not quite sure I’m ready for my postpartum tum to seen in full technicolor!





I’m now trying to remember my posture regularly and it’s making it easier, which tells me it’s helping, my muscles must be getting stronger. My body aches a little less when I’m carrying little girl too. I’ll keep working on my posture and take some photos regularly to see my progress!

Think tall and strong!